What mistakes should be avoided during UPSSSC PET Preparation?
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The Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Board (UPSSSC) conducts a preliminary eligibility test (PET) for the recruitment of group ‘C’ and ‘B’ posts. This PET Exam mark list is used by the UPSSSC to shortlist candidates for the upcoming Group ‘B & C’ main examinations, which will be held later. The UP PET exam will be held on September 18, 2022.
Consider yourself fortunate because you have plenty of time to prepare for the UP PET, which is being held for the second time by the UPSSSC. Candidates in 2021 will have less time to prepare and will have no idea of the level of the examination. However, candidates taking the exam this year have enough time and information about the level of the paper to perform well. In this article, I will give you some tips that will help you score higher grades.
It is vital to know the UPSSSC PET Exam Pattern and Syllabus. It will give you a good idea of the pattern of the paper, how the marks will be distributed, and what kinds of questions will be asked.
Reading Newspaper: Newspaper is a wealth of information that produces excellent results. In the context of a newspaper, the aspirant should be aware of ‘what and how to read.’ From an exam perspective, a newspaper has three sections: Events (which provides facts and figures), Issues (which provides views and reviews that aid in developing an individual’s understanding and opinion on current issues), and Sports. as well as gossip.
Going through Previous Year Paper: In 2021 aspirants were unfortunate to not to get any previous year paper for practice. Now you have this opportunity, this will let you know about the paper pattern, important topics, and much more, guiding you in the right direction.
Time Management: Proper time management is required to pass the exam. If you study for long hours but have poor time management skills, the results will be negative.
Self Assessment: Proper self-introspection is essential for scoring well. You must be aware of your own strengths and weaknesses. In reality, some candidates fail to assess their inherent abilities, which often leads to a lack of zeal during preparation. Knowing your own weaknesses and strengths will help you to maintain a firm grip on the strong areas while improving the weaker ones.
Never stop Practising: We’ve all heard the expression, “Practice makes perfect.” Unfortunately! Somehow, some of the candidates fail to connect it to reality. It is necessary to revise frequently in order to retain the information gained during the preparation.
How to prepare free of cost:
If you are taking the UPSSSC PET 2022 exam, the free mock test provided by Testwale.com will allow you to complete your revision and practise in no time. Not only this you will get all the study material in PDF form and Previous Year Paper for practice. Do you know, the Mock tests are the best way to fully understand the actual exam level? Taking UPSSSC PET Mock Tests is a great way to practice time management by answering questions in a stipulated time. Attempting UPSSSC PET Sectional Test will help you to revise each section/topic efficiently.