UPPSC PCS Prelims Result 2021: Get all updates here!
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Website: UPPSC PCS Prelims Result
UPPSC PCS Prelims Result 2021: Important Updates for the Candidates Appeared in the UP PCS Preliminary Exam 2021.
According to various reports, the result of Combined State/Upper Subordinate Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2021 and Assistant Conservator of Forest / Regional Forest Officer (Preliminary) Examination along with Provincial Civil Service Examination (PCS) prelims is likely to be declared by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission () today, 23rd November, or on 24th November (tomorrow) on its official website. All the candidates who appeared for the prelims examination can check the results on the commission’s official website:- https://uppsc.up.nic.in/
Close to 4 lakhs of candidates (out of 6,91,173 candidates who applied for the same) appeared for the PCS Preliminary examination conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) on 24th October 2021. The commission later released the official answer key for the PCS Prelims exam on 27th October. Simultaneously, the commission invited candidates to raise their objections for the same by November 3.
On the basis of the performance in the preliminary examination, the commission will issue the roll numbers of those candidates found eligible to appear in the next stage i.e. main examination.
On the other hand, candidates should note that as per a recent update released by the commission: UPPSC has decided to shortlist candidates numbering 15 times the total number of 538 posts available for the main examination.
In addition to this, candidates numbering three times the total number of posts on offer will be declared successful in the main examination and thereby be eligible for the interview round of the recruitment process.
Steps to check and download UPPSC PCS Prelims 2021 Result:
Visit the official website of UPPSC i.e. https://uppsc.up.nic.in/
Click on the PCS result 2021 link.
Enter your login credentials mentioned on your admit card and click on submit.
Your PCS result will be shown on the screen.
Download and take a printout of Pdf for future references.
After the declaration of results for PCS Prelims 2021, the commission will soon release the admit card of qualifying candidates for the main examination, which is expected to be held on 28th January 2022.