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As we know the exam for RRB Group D 2022 is going to take place from 17th August 2022. Many candidates are going to appear for the examination and this is the only reason which makes it more difficult to pass the exam. So those who are gong to appear in the exam should be well prepared for the exam.
As we don’t have much time left in our hands so some candidates are excited about the exam and on the other hand some are worried about the exam.
But in both conditions you have to be calm and stick to that schedule which you have prepared. Through this article, i am sharing some important points which you should know and follow in these last days.
Fuel yourself
You should eat a balanced diet a day before the exam and Remember that taking care of yourself should be your first priority.
Have a Normal night
Take a proper nap of 6 to 7 hours. Before going to bed watching your favourite show or movie should be essential to be calm. Don’t be a nightmare in order to study hard.
Revise your notes
Revise the notes which you have prepared during the preparation period to remind the factual data, dates, formulas etc.
Don’t Cram
Simply skip cramming books before the exam. This will not be fruitful to you.
Don’t compare yourself to others
Comparing yourself is the worst thing you can do at this moment. As this will demotivate you and distract you.
Don’t pick anything new
Picking anything new will not be fruitful to you. Don’t pick any new topic, book or formulae. Revise your previously covered topics.
Don’t engage on smartphones.
Try to avoid using smartphones as engaging on smartphones will waste your time. You will feel lazy.
Don’t take stress
Taking stress will affect your study routine and health as well so don’t take stress and be calm. For this, you can do meditation, yoga or workouts.
Points to remember
Set an alarm
Don’t forget to set an alarm. To avoid getting late.
Pack your bag the night before an exam.
Bring all the necessary items of stationary and pack your bag so that you don’t have to struggle in the morning for gathering those items.
Carry your admit card with you.
A night before the exam, take a printout of your e-admit card and place it in your bag so that you can’t forget it at home. As without admit card you wil not be able to enter the exam hall.
Layout your clothes
Iron those clothes and place it the almirah which you are going to wear on exam day so that you don’t get late.
Reach at exam centre before an hour of exam
Try to leave your home early in order to reach exam hall before an hour of the exam. Reaching early at exam hall will help you out to understand your sitting arrangements and being comfortable where you are going to sit.
You can practice Free RRB Group D Mock Test to enhance your preparation for the RRB Group D Exam. You can check the difficulty level of the questions by going through the RRB Group D Previous Year Question Paper’s.
You should visit Testwale as they are providing their quality content for free.
Hope thses pointers will help you. I am wishing you good luck for UP Lekhpal Exam!
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