
Revise For AFCAT-2022 With These Tic Tacs In The Last Moment

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As we know the AFCAT – 2022 is going to be conducted on the 26th, 27th and 28th of August 2022 by the Indian Air Force. We don’t have much time for the preparation so now you have to revise what you have studied.
Don’t pick new chapters or new techniques. Just work at your pace so that you can get your goal.

Block the next 24-72 hours of your life: Block the next 48 hours of your life. Whatever you do, make sure you devote the next one to two days of your life to preparing for the AFCAT.
24 to 36 hours of study: Yes, what else do you plan to do in the next 1 to 3 days? Make certain that you spend the majority of your time preparing for the exam and that you do not waste any time. Keep hydrated, get up for meals and the restroom, forgo most of your sleep, and devote yourself entirely to the preparations.
Collect previous years’ papers: The only thing you can do now gathers all of the previous year’s papers and begin preparing therefrom. There is no time for topic-specific preparation. Assemble at least 10-15 previous year papers for practice.
Recall your English and Math knowledge from school: Yes, the first thing you must do is recall what you learned in grades 10-12. Identify your strong points and compose a list of them in English and Math.
Begin with your stronghold: Always begin with the region over which you have a firm grip. For example, if you are strong in the Quant section, you could try the following dilemma:
Quantitative ability, military aptitude, English, and finally general awareness are all required.
However, if you are strong in the General Awareness and English sections, you can attempt General Awareness first, followed by English, Military Aptitude, and Quantitative Ability.
Revise solely your strong points: The next most crucial step is to revise your strong points. Simply disregard everything else. But don’t be the person who just has one strong section and leaves the rest vacant. Begin with your strong points and work your way up to the ones where you are weak.
Keep note of the time: Set a stopwatch to keep track of time and make the AFCAT Mock Test. As if you were taking a real test, solve the papers accordingly.
Solve AFCAT Sectional Tests: The next best thing to do after solving the previous year’s papers is to solve the Sectional Tests of those topics in which you are lagging behind.
Write down important points and revise: While preparing, you may come across key points such as equations and strategies for answering the question. Keep a running note next to you and jot down everything as you prepare. Before taking the exam, review all of the crucial points and put your best effort.
To improve your preparedness for the AFCAT 2022, you can practice the Free AFCAT Mock Test. By reviewing the AFCAT Sectional Test, you may determine the level of complexity of the questions.
Visit exampur as they offer their high-quality content free of cost.
I hope these tips will be helpful. I’m giving you my best wishes for the AFCAT!
