Psychometric Tests made Mandatory for School Employees by CBSE
: Classes / Other Classes
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Ad ID: 823
Added: September 2, 2020
Location: India
State: Delhi
Views: 716
Website: psychometric test
The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE)- being the largest education board in India has always propagated psychological and career testing for not only its students but teachers as well.
But today, Psychometric tests are an inadequate solution. Especially with Brainwonders U.S. Patented DMIT Test (Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test) gaining momentum with Indian teachers and school management, genetic profiling is the demand for today.
• Importance of Hiring Right
• Genetics- The Ultimate Profiling Tool
• Limitations Of Psychometric Assessment
• The Pros Of Genetic Testing
• The Science of Genetic Testing
Brainwonders Solution
Brainwonders is the only organization in India, with the US patented DMIT and has been conducting Biometric and Psychometric tests since its inception in 2011.
The company has already assisted 320+ schools and companies with the DMIT, as well as its integrated consulting and coaching facilities. Thus, as the country progresses- there is no surprise that DMIT is the chosen test for educators shaping the national development.