Points which you should remember for UP Lekhpal Exam

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The UP Lekhpal Exam is going to be conducted on 24th July 2022. Many candidates are eagerly waiting for the exam. On the other hand, some are worried and taking stressed. The study is the only thing which is your boat to cross this river.

Through this article, I am sharing some points which you should know for any exam:-

Take care of your health
Eat a healthy diet- You should eat a proper diet. Eating healthy food will give you the energy to study better and be focused.
Take proper rest- Many students think that they can study the whole night and pass the exam. Quality is always better than quantity. So reading the whole night without taking a nap is not essential but taking proper sleep of 6 to 7 hours and studying for 6 to 7 hours in a day is important.
Meditation for 15 minutes a day- You should meditate every day to concentrate on your studies. Also, meditation will give you mental peace.
Don’t take stress- Taking stress will affect your study schedule.

One night before the exam
Pack your bag- Pack your bag a night before the exam so that you will not miss anything at home.
Don’t cram books- Don’t be a nightmare to cram the books a night before the exam. Give rest to your mind.
Gather important documents/stationary- Collect the necessary things like your admit card, pen, pencil, eraser, water bottle and etc.
Prepare your clothes- the clothes which you are to wear for the exam should be prepared a night before the exam to avoid delay.

During Exam
Read a question twice- Read each question carefully so that you can answer properly.
Don’t rush- Don’t be in a hurry, take your proper time to reply to each question.
Pick your strong sections first- Pick your strongest section first and gradually move towards the weaker ones. It will save your time.
Don’t skip the questions to solve at the last moment- Skipping questions for the last moment is not the best way. In the end, you will forget to reply to those questions.

For better preparation, you can visit Exampur as they are providing Free UP Lekhpal Mock Test Series, UP Lekhpal Study Material, UP Lekhpal Quizzes and UP Lekhpal Sectional Tests.

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All the best to those who are going to appear in the exam, hope you guys found this article helpful.



