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The Railway Recruitment Board has previously stated that the NTPC Computer Based Test 2 will be held on the 9th and 10th May. Since the test is in four days, I hope you’ve already covered the entire curriculum and that now is the time to begin your revision. However, keep in mind that you don’t have to revise the entire syllabus at this time. As this will waste your valuable time.
To begin, you must plan a last-minute revision approach that will help you ace your preparation:
1. Don’t go out of your way to try anything new.
2. Go over the Factual Notes
3. Make a revision schedule.
4. Mock Test Series for Practice
5. Concentrate on your health;
6. Rehearse using sectional tests
7. Take frequent short rests.
I hope that this article will assist you in attaining your objective and obtaining good scores in order to secure your seat. Best wishes to those who will be taking this examination. You can use Testwale as a resource because they offer their study materials for free.