Iridescent Illusions Dico Glass Jewelry for Captivating Elegance
Ad Details
Ad ID: 58409
Added: July 27, 2023
Sale Price: $500
Location: United States
State: Other (foreign)
City: New York
Views: 249
Website: Iridescent Illusions Dico Glass Jewelry for Captivating Elegance
Dico Glass is also famous as Dichroic Glass. It is a kind of artificial glass made of 50-micron-thin layers of several metals that NASA developed for the face masks which astronauts use to shield them from radiation. This unique type of glass jewelry has its special appearance, which is created from fused glass. When they are burnt, their colors change and melt together. The stunning jewelry items you enjoy today were made using the pieces after they were removed from the kiln and allowed to cool. These pieces were then treated like fused glass.