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Ad ID: 13816
Added: May 18, 2022
Sale Price: ₹0.00
Location: India
State: Uttar Pradesh
City: Noida
Views: 366
The Railway Recruitment Board has tentatively scheduled the NTPC exam for Levels 5, 3 & 2 on June 12th. Those who have passed the Level 1 exam are eligible to participate in the NTPC second phase. Because the exam is in 20 days and students have been waiting for this exam for a long time, you have already prepared for it and are ready to go over the entire syllabus once more.
So, for revision, if you believe going through the entire syllabus and reading chapters is worthwhile, you’re completely wrong. To ace your preparation in these final days, you should refer to online study materials. If you’re looking for some tic tacs for practising in these last days, read this article since I’ll be sharing some tips and tricks with you.
Testwale is a good resource because they offer free study materials. Their study materials are created by subject matter specialists and are based on the most recent exam pattern and syllabus, ensuring that you pass your exam. As a result, you should pay this website a visit. Free Quizzes, Free Mock Test Series, and Free Sectional Test Series are available.
Remember to bring your Admit Card, as well as a photograph and a photocopy of your original ID. The admit card must be presented to gain access to the Examination Centre. Candidates must research and locate the examination centre listed on their admit card. Double-check your exam dates and shift timings.