UP Police Constable Recruitment 2021 Check Eligibility And Apply

Admin November 3, 2021

UP Police Constable Recruitment 2021 Check Eligibility And Apply

NOTIFICATION UP Police Constable Recruitment 2021

The Uttar Pradesh Police Department is going to publish notification for the recruitment of 50,000 constable posts for 10th-12th passed promising female and male candidates of Uttar Pradesh state through Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB). For UP Police Constable Recruitment 2021, application forms can be submitted online on official website of UPPRPB through prescribed medium. The number of posts related to Uttar Pradesh Police Constable Jobs, notification, application process, selection process, educational qualification, last date and other information can be checked on the table given below. This is a good opportunity for the talented candidates of Uttar Pradesh who are looking for Up Police Sipahi Vacancy, 2021 in Uttar Pradesh Police. Eligible candidates for Up Police constable jobs as per the requirement of UP Police Recruitment and Promotion Board can submit online application form before the last date.

Up Police Constable


Online Application for UP Police Constable Vacancy can be done after the notification is officially published by Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board (UPPRPB).

Up Police Constable Exam Date 2021 and other information can be checked in the table below:

Online registration Around January – February 2022
Last Date of Online registration January – February 2022
Fee Submissions last date January – February 2022
Last Date of Offline Fee Submission Through Challan January – February 2022


Name of the Department Uttar Pradesh Police Department
Recruitment Board Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board
Post Name Constable
Total Posts 50000 Posts
Salary 5,200 – 20,200
Level State Level
Category Police Jobs
Application Process Online
Location Uttar Pardesh
Official Website http://uppbpb.gov.in/

Vacancy Details:

Name of Post No. of Vacancies
Constable-Civil Police Notified Soon
Constable-Territorial Armed Constabulary Notified Soon
Total Posts 50,000


Educational Qualification and age limit information details prescribed by the department for Up Police Constable Notification 2021 can be checked in the table below:

Age Limit Male: 18 to 22 years

Female: 18 to 25 years

Educational Qualification 10th/12th Passed
Relaxation in upper age As per Norms

For detailed information on eligibility and age limit, check the official advertisement of Up Police Constable.


Promising candidates who want to fill the UP Police Constable Online application form can submit the application through the official website of Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board, uppbpb.gov.in.

Follow the instructions given below to submit the Up Police Bharti 2021 New Vacancy application:-

★ First of all, check the detailed information related to the recruitment.

★ Then Click on Online Form Link.

★ Now, a new window will open in front of you, in which you have to fill your application form.

★ UP Police Constable Job Application Fee has to be submitted online.

★ Take a print out of the Up Police Constable Jobs 2021 application form after finally submitting.

Important Documents:

  1. Educational qualification certificate
  2. Identity card
  3. Caste certificate
  4. Residence certificate
  5. Date of birth certificate
  6. Passport size photo
  7. Employment registration certificate


The process shown below will be conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Police for the selection of candidates, in which it is mandatory for all the candidates to get success:-

» Written Exam

» Physical Parameters

» Physical Efficiency Test

» Medical Test

» Document Verification

For complete information about the Uttar Pradesh State Police Constable Selection Process, check the Up Police Official Notification thoroughly.


The Exam Pattern will be as Follows:

There will be an Offline (objective multiple choice type) exam.

The Exam will be of 150 MCQ carrying 02 Marks each.

The exam will be based on the Subjects General Knowledge 38 Question, General Hindi 37 Question, Numerical & Mental Ability 38 Question, Mental Aptitude, IQ and Reasoning Ability 37 Question.

The negative marking for wrong answers will be 0.25 marks.

The time duration of exam is 02 Hours (120 minutes).

Level Of exam paper will be as per minimum educational standard.


Physical will be Qualifying Nature. There will be No Marks for Physical Exam.

Subjects Total No of Questions Marks
General Knowledge 38 76
General Hindi 37 74
Numerical Ability 38 76
Mental Aptitude/IQ/Reasoning Ability 37 74
TOTAL 150 300


1. Analyze your syllabus properly: Go through the UP Constable Syllabus and see what all topics are included under each section. Categorize your strength and weakness, to find out which topics are easy and which are difficult.

2. Make a study plan: The next step is to create a proper and realistic timetable. Separate time slots should be allotted for each of the sections. More time should be spent on the section that you find difficult and less time on your strong sections.

3. Develop Reading Habits & Clear Your Concepts: You need to understand what each of the concepts means. Otherwise, it won’t be possible for you to even identify the problems. Especially for the Language section (Hindi) and General Knowledge & General Awareness sections, you need extensive reading. Try to understand the application and usage of grammatical rules and improve your vocabulary. The General Knowledge & General Awareness section on the other hand needs you to have information about a wide range of topics at your fingertips. All these things can be achieved with regular reading of Newspaper and Articles.

4. Manage your time: You need to have a balance between your speed and accuracy. Without speed, you won’t be able to finish the paper on time. And without accuracy, you won’t be able to score well. So, practice in a time-bound manner and try to control the amount of time you spend on every question.

5. Work on your weakness: Once you have finished the whole syllabus, take UP Constable mock tests. Analyze your performance and find out what mistakes you have made. Work on the weak topics to improve them. While taking mock tests develop a proper strategy to take the exam. Your strategy should be such that you finish the paper on time with maximum accuracy and minimum negative marking.

6. Revise before the examination: Make a plan with which you can cover all the topics which are part of the exam and you should be able to revise them thoroughly. You must be aware of your weak areas, try to focus more on them

7. Do not overburden yourself: Do not forget to eat well and take proper rest because your physical fitness is also equally important. If you study all day and night it might cause mental pressure, which is not good while preparing for the exam. So, do not carry away with the exam pressure and try to remain physically fit.

Categories : Education