How to achieve a diploma of project management?
Admin September 8, 2022

What is a diploma of project management?
The role of a project manager is diverse. Their responsibilities cover the entirety of the project, each stage of development needing project manager intervention. A diploma of project management is a specific training course designed to prepare you with the skills and understanding to effectively manage projects across a variety of industries.
Why study a diploma of project management?
As a project managers role covers the entire lifecycle of a project they need a variety of skills. They are involved in the initiation of the project right through to the evaluation on completion. Therefore, there are lots of areas that require training to ensure you are providing the right level of support to the project. A diploma of project management can help you fine tune these skills.
Firstly, as a project manager you need to organise yourself, your team and your resources. Only through excellent organisation will you meet your deadlines.
As a project manager you are responsible for leading your team throughout the project. This means you need to have good interpersonal skills. You need to be able to provide support and motivation whilst managing expectations.
Next, a project manager needs to be good at communicating their wants and needs. this goes hand in hand with their leadership skills. Not only do they need to manage a team but you will also need to speak with clients and any third parties.
Quick thinking
Furthermore, as a project manager you will need to use your initiative and be able to make decisions quickly. Unfortunately, within construction things may not always go to plan. Therefore, you need to be able to quickly evaluate the situation and make adjustments where necessary. Although this may seem a hard skill to acquire, a diploma of project management can help train your existing talents.
Where can you study a diploma of project management?
There are plenty of opportunities for those looking to study a diploma of project management. The skills learnt in project management can be applied to any field of work. Moreover, you can eventually get into project management without a degree but this would require years of experience. Therefore, to quickly progress into the role, training is advised. Not only is training advisable to anyone looking to start a career in project management, it is also suitable for those in the career already. Project management is a very demanding role and due to the nature of society, the needs of the role are ever changing. To be a successful project manager and provide the best possible project outcomes, a diploma of project management is a training tool to enhance and build upon existing skills.
The course itself can be taken in many formats. You can study project management in both a face-to-face environment or online. When looking to study such a course, you need to assess your needs and evaluate which course will be the most appropriate for you.
Diploma of project management online
As discussed above, project managers are most successful with training. However, there is also the requirement for on the job experience. This makes online courses in project management one of the best possible options. Thanks to the flexibility of a delivery of an online course you can still continue your full time employment whilst enrolled. This allows you to apply your knowledge in a practical environment and match your learning with real life experiences. The diploma of project management is no different.
Further to this, an online course is considerably shorter in duration than a university degree. This is not because they are lacking in quality however. Online courses are often shorter as they are more direct in their teaching approach. Although the total list of modules might be lengthy, the course delivery is tailored to suit those in a working environment. Therefore, delivery is more succinct and concise.
Where to study a diploma of project management
There are multiple online providers of project manager diplomas. One of which is the College of Contract Management. Their project management course is delivered via live online lectures and is a postgraduate course worth 50 credits. These credits can then be applied to further education should you wish. The course itself can take between 6-9 months to complete and includes both lecture delivery and independent learning. Through 8 excellently delivered modules you will work on all the skills required to become a top class project manager. This diploma of project management is a cost effective way of learning a new skill whilst being able to apply your learning in your current work environment. This is managed through the College of contract Management course delivery. Each lecture is hosted on a weekday evening or the weekend, allowing you to continue full time earning whilst you learn.
The role of a project manager is very demanding and requires multiple skills that need both training and upkeep. Through courses such as the diploma of project management you are able to train yourself in the necessary disciplines to successfully manage a project and lead a team towards success.