
best ayurvedic hospital in Vijayawada

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Ad Details

  • Ad ID: 80517

  • Added: August 9, 2024

  • Sale Price: ₹522306

  • Location: India

  • State: Andhra Pradesh

  • City: Guntur

  • Views: 158

  • Website:


Ayurveda is a traditional medical system, which has existed for thousands of years. The essence of this ancient medical system has been to treat an individual with a holistic approach and methodology.

The treatment process generally includes the procedures to understand the illness and treat the individuals from the root level rather than just relying upon symptomatic methods such as Western medicine. The system of medicine advocates certain mandatory medical procedures and invokes certain principles such as the Dinacharya (Daily Regime), and Ritu Charya (Seasonal Regime).

These regimes usually involve complete control over food habits, living habits, and the medicines for the treatment of illness are well-prepared from the natural ingredients which enhance the physiological functions and without any possible side-effects.