
Are You Ready For UP Lekhpal Examination?

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According to the most recent information from the Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission (UPSSSC), the examination for the position of UP Lekhpal would be held on June 19, 2022. If you have applied for the exam, then this article is for you because I will share some key tips and methods with you that will help you secure your seat and achieve a decent score on the exam.

Gather the best study materials along with the Question Papers from Previous Years (of at least the last 5 years) and put them to use.
Create a productive study schedule.
Allow yourself short pauses after completing each task that you have set for the day.
Take UP Lekhpal Mock Tests on a regular basis.
Concentrate on your physical and emotional well-being.

For preparation, I am suggesting you visit Testwale as they are providing Sectional Test Series of UP Lekhpal, Mock Test Series of UP Lekhpal and Quizzes of UP Lekhpal free of cost. This series of questions helped me a lot in preparing and improving my weak topics. I hope that this post will help you to organise your study and raise your confidence in your ability to compete.
